Thursday, May 21, 2009

Leaders produce results, not excuses!

This was a hard one for me for years. I would have a task with a specific goal and for legitimate reasons outside of my control I would fall short from achieving the goal. This will happen to all of us and our choice is how to deal with it. I used to settle with the outcome of falling short and blame the out-of-my-control completely understandable thing that caused me to miss the mark. The truth of the matter is this though, I could have had more margin and I could have come up with another plan to make it happen. Leaders accept obstacles as speed bumps not roadblocks. Leaders find another way. When leaders don’t have enough time or resources, they innovate and come up with some way to achieve the necessary results. Leaders produce results, not excuses. Granted, there are times that a leader steps out and takes a great risk that doesn’t pan out. In those times, a leader owns it and says, “What’s Next?” When is the last time you made an excuse for not achieving a goal? What else could you have done to produce the necessary results?

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